Friday, February 20 Alexa Victoria Heiner was baptized by her dad, Todd Heiner! It was a great night and she had tons of friends, family, and ward members come to support her. She did great!
Congratulations, Lexi! We love you!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Trevor and Burgs Wedding!
Trevor and Burgs had a beautiful wedding last week! It was great to be involved and see them have such a great day! The night before all the family and many friends got together for a dinner to celebrate. The ceremony on Feb 12th was great and the reception was incredible with tons of people, food, and fun! Great job Trevor and Burgs! Congratulations!
Tags, cookies, and dreams
Just a few quick stories that have kept us entertained over the last couple weeks.
This last week Ashlie was sitting in a computer lab at school when she noticed that a boy who was sitting across from her just kept staring. She was feeling a little awkward but he just couldn't keep his eyes away. After a few minutes he began to approach her and she was thinking that, although she was married and 4 months pregnant she was about to get hit on. He handed her a "love" note with a smile as Ashlie waved goodbye with her ring hand. Ashlie then opened the note to read "I don't want to make you feel awkward, but you have a tag sticking out of your dress."
We had the missionaries over last week to teach Lexi one of the baptism lessons at our parent's house. My dad had made some Otis Spunkmyer cookies earlier that day to share but Derek (my younger brother) had some friends over who devoured all but two of them, which my dad set aside for the missionaries. When the Elders got to the house, Elder Jones ate his right away but Elder Noel decided to leave his for after the lesson. Ashlie and I sat down just a few minutes after they began to listen in and saw a great looking cookie there! Ashlie decided that she wanted half and reached for it while the Elders were instructing. I noticed a minute later, while someone was reading a scripture, that Elder Noel nudged Elder Jones, accusing him of eating the cookie! Elder Jones was not about to take the blame and pointed straight over to Ashlie, who had no idea that the cookie was supposed to be saved for later. We owe them a cookie... :)
I had a dream just after Lexi's baptism on Friday night that our neighbor Ruth had 3 heads! Sorry, Ruth! One of them was on the counter after the baptism when we were cleaning up and started talking to me when I went to pick it up. Weird, but that's about all I remember...
This last week Ashlie was sitting in a computer lab at school when she noticed that a boy who was sitting across from her just kept staring. She was feeling a little awkward but he just couldn't keep his eyes away. After a few minutes he began to approach her and she was thinking that, although she was married and 4 months pregnant she was about to get hit on. He handed her a "love" note with a smile as Ashlie waved goodbye with her ring hand. Ashlie then opened the note to read "I don't want to make you feel awkward, but you have a tag sticking out of your dress."
We had the missionaries over last week to teach Lexi one of the baptism lessons at our parent's house. My dad had made some Otis Spunkmyer cookies earlier that day to share but Derek (my younger brother) had some friends over who devoured all but two of them, which my dad set aside for the missionaries. When the Elders got to the house, Elder Jones ate his right away but Elder Noel decided to leave his for after the lesson. Ashlie and I sat down just a few minutes after they began to listen in and saw a great looking cookie there! Ashlie decided that she wanted half and reached for it while the Elders were instructing. I noticed a minute later, while someone was reading a scripture, that Elder Noel nudged Elder Jones, accusing him of eating the cookie! Elder Jones was not about to take the blame and pointed straight over to Ashlie, who had no idea that the cookie was supposed to be saved for later. We owe them a cookie... :)
I had a dream just after Lexi's baptism on Friday night that our neighbor Ruth had 3 heads! Sorry, Ruth! One of them was on the counter after the baptism when we were cleaning up and started talking to me when I went to pick it up. Weird, but that's about all I remember...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Random Facts
We have been through a lot together. The past 2 1/2 years has truly been the greatest time of our lives. Here are just a few of the things we have experienced...
1.) Our first date was to Disneyland
2.) Ryan invited Ashlie to Thanksgiving in Idaho after only 3 weeks of dating!
3.) We lived in Albuquerque the Summer of 2008
4.) We were able to house sit a beautiful home our first year being married
5.) We have a book that contains every detail about our first 3 months of dating
6.) Landen (Ashlie's nephew) spent 7 days with us in Albuquerque (it was a blast)
7.) We traveled to New York and saw Wicked, Lion King, and Grease on Broadway
8.) Together we have seen a few celebrities.. to name a few... Jon and his boys (from Jon and Kate Plus 8) as well as Katherine Zeta Jones
9.) When we were first married we spent about every other weekend at the cabin
10.) We have traveled to Texas 4 times since being married.. we love visiting Ashlie's family
11.) We saw Lance Burton (an amazing Magician) in Las Vegas
12.) We LOVE going to Jon Schmidt Concerts-- they never seem to get old
13.) Our first date we spent 10 hours one way in a car to California and never ran out of things to talk about
14.) We love going to Color Me Mine; however, we quickly learned we cannot go with other couples because we are both perfectionist and take about twice as long as other people
15.) We go to EVERY BYU home football game
16.) Ashlie crashed a snow mobile the first time Ryan ever let her drive one--- (she thought she would be able to lift it out of the snow... after about 45 minutes of laughing, crying, and sweating... we called Todd for help!)
17.) We made a bright pink Tinkerbell at Build a Bear (Ryan was a great sport)
18.) We LOVE going to Comedy Sportz-- it is a great break after a long week of school
19.) Before we were married, we broke up for 4 days-- LONGEST days of our lives
20.) Ryan gave Ashlie Rascal Flatt's tickets for our first Valentine's Day (after pretending he slept in and forgot to get the tickets in time)
21.) Before Ryan proposed, Ashlie wore a ring from a quarter machine for 2 months
22.) We LOVE playing games-- our first Christmas we got over 12 games :)
23.) Ryan proposed after a 3 hour scavenger hunt
24.) We had the perfect wedding day
25.) Let me begin by saying "Ryan is the least clumsy or forgetful person I have ever met"; however, on our honeymoon he had his moments :). First, he forgot our documents to board the plane and so Janet had to come to the airport to meet us after our wedding, a few days later Ryan jumped into the pool with Shea's camera still inside his swimsuit--- there were a few moments like this throughout the week that still make us laugh to this day! ( If you know Ryan, you know that these are very non- characteristic)
26.) Ryan and Ashlie went mountain biking through beautiful trails in St. George
27.) We have been to a couple of Jazz games together which we Love (Todd and Janet caught us kissing on TV at the Jazz Game the day after we got engaged)
28.) We LOVE spending time with our nephews and nieces-- "Ryan you funny"
29.) Ryan and I love staying up late just talking-- we have stayed up until 4 countless times
30.) We love visiting Ryan's family in Centerville--- it is our 2nd home
31.) We both adore our in-laws which is a rare occurrence in many marriages can
32.) When we were dating we worked at the same place-- we were literally together about 18 hours of the day
33.) Our favorite thing to do is cuddle while we are all alone at home
34.) We get addicted to things-- racquetball, salmon, etc.
35.) Every Wednesday night is Pizza night
36.) American Idol is a favorite of ours (we even bought a VCR from the DI to record episodes we will miss)
37.) We have taken Statistics, Marriage Prep, and D&C together
38.) Ryan speaks Portuguese and Ashlie pretends she can speak Spanish
39.) Ryan plays the piano and Ashlie plays the flute
40.) Ryan has never told Ashlie "NO" (seriously)... ( if we have a girl.. she is going to be wrapped around her Daddy's little finger)
41.) We have a goal to go to the temple once a month no matter how busy life gets
42.) Ashlie loves to sing around the house while making up her own words to songs and Ryan ALWAYS corrects her but never sings himself
43.) Willow Tree is a common collection found in our house
44.) We still haven't chosen our wedding pictures
45.) Ryan scares Ashlie without even trying when he walks into the house
46.) Every Christmas we go on a scavenger hunt for ornaments. The first year we were going to try and do an act of service for every ornament; however, we quickly learned that it was more fun to just take the ornament and leave
47.) Ashlie cant start a movie after 8:30 p.m or she falls asleep
48.) We were sealed for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake City Temple-- (Ashlie's dream since she was 7 and saw the temple for the first time)
49.) When we were dating we bought an 8 foot love sac for less than 100 bucks
50.) Ryan has been begging for a new TV since we first got married and his wish came true Christmas of 2008
51.) The first time we had a real conversation, we ended up talking for 6 hours-- (we pretty much asked each other whatever we wanted to know)
52.) We text or email each other about 20 times per day
53.) We are best friends-- we have an extremely open relationship and share everything with each other
54.) We are both addicted to saving (a goal we made when we were first married was to save 10 percent of anything we earned)
55.) We have gone through 3 years of college with each other (from dating until now)
56.) We are expecting our first child in July and couldn't be happier
57.) Ashlie calls Ryan "Pumpkin Butt" (no one knows why)and Ryan calls Ashlie "hun"
58.) Our sealers name was Earl Jackson (he was an amazing person)
59.) We will both be officially done with school in April and we will be able to walk the stage together
60.) We have 14 nieces and nephews (all on Ashlie's side) --- Our little one will be the first one on the Heiner side
These are just a few fun things that we have experienced together-- I hope you have come to know us a little better than before :)
1.) Our first date was to Disneyland

2.) Ryan invited Ashlie to Thanksgiving in Idaho after only 3 weeks of dating!
3.) We lived in Albuquerque the Summer of 2008
4.) We were able to house sit a beautiful home our first year being married

5.) We have a book that contains every detail about our first 3 months of dating
6.) Landen (Ashlie's nephew) spent 7 days with us in Albuquerque (it was a blast)

7.) We traveled to New York and saw Wicked, Lion King, and Grease on Broadway
8.) Together we have seen a few celebrities.. to name a few... Jon and his boys (from Jon and Kate Plus 8) as well as Katherine Zeta Jones
9.) When we were first married we spent about every other weekend at the cabin
10.) We have traveled to Texas 4 times since being married.. we love visiting Ashlie's family
11.) We saw Lance Burton (an amazing Magician) in Las Vegas
12.) We LOVE going to Jon Schmidt Concerts-- they never seem to get old

13.) Our first date we spent 10 hours one way in a car to California and never ran out of things to talk about
14.) We love going to Color Me Mine; however, we quickly learned we cannot go with other couples because we are both perfectionist and take about twice as long as other people

15.) We go to EVERY BYU home football game

16.) Ashlie crashed a snow mobile the first time Ryan ever let her drive one--- (she thought she would be able to lift it out of the snow... after about 45 minutes of laughing, crying, and sweating... we called Todd for help!)

17.) We made a bright pink Tinkerbell at Build a Bear (Ryan was a great sport)

18.) We LOVE going to Comedy Sportz-- it is a great break after a long week of school
19.) Before we were married, we broke up for 4 days-- LONGEST days of our lives
20.) Ryan gave Ashlie Rascal Flatt's tickets for our first Valentine's Day (after pretending he slept in and forgot to get the tickets in time)
21.) Before Ryan proposed, Ashlie wore a ring from a quarter machine for 2 months

22.) We LOVE playing games-- our first Christmas we got over 12 games :)
23.) Ryan proposed after a 3 hour scavenger hunt
24.) We had the perfect wedding day

25.) Let me begin by saying "Ryan is the least clumsy or forgetful person I have ever met"; however, on our honeymoon he had his moments :). First, he forgot our documents to board the plane and so Janet had to come to the airport to meet us after our wedding, a few days later Ryan jumped into the pool with Shea's camera still inside his swimsuit--- there were a few moments like this throughout the week that still make us laugh to this day! ( If you know Ryan, you know that these are very non- characteristic)
26.) Ryan and Ashlie went mountain biking through beautiful trails in St. George
27.) We have been to a couple of Jazz games together which we Love (Todd and Janet caught us kissing on TV at the Jazz Game the day after we got engaged)

28.) We LOVE spending time with our nephews and nieces-- "Ryan you funny"
29.) Ryan and I love staying up late just talking-- we have stayed up until 4 countless times
30.) We love visiting Ryan's family in Centerville--- it is our 2nd home
31.) We both adore our in-laws which is a rare occurrence in many marriages can
32.) When we were dating we worked at the same place-- we were literally together about 18 hours of the day
33.) Our favorite thing to do is cuddle while we are all alone at home
34.) We get addicted to things-- racquetball, salmon, etc.
35.) Every Wednesday night is Pizza night
36.) American Idol is a favorite of ours (we even bought a VCR from the DI to record episodes we will miss)
37.) We have taken Statistics, Marriage Prep, and D&C together
38.) Ryan speaks Portuguese and Ashlie pretends she can speak Spanish
39.) Ryan plays the piano and Ashlie plays the flute
40.) Ryan has never told Ashlie "NO" (seriously)... ( if we have a girl.. she is going to be wrapped around her Daddy's little finger)
41.) We have a goal to go to the temple once a month no matter how busy life gets

42.) Ashlie loves to sing around the house while making up her own words to songs and Ryan ALWAYS corrects her but never sings himself
43.) Willow Tree is a common collection found in our house
44.) We still haven't chosen our wedding pictures
45.) Ryan scares Ashlie without even trying when he walks into the house
46.) Every Christmas we go on a scavenger hunt for ornaments. The first year we were going to try and do an act of service for every ornament; however, we quickly learned that it was more fun to just take the ornament and leave

47.) Ashlie cant start a movie after 8:30 p.m or she falls asleep
48.) We were sealed for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake City Temple-- (Ashlie's dream since she was 7 and saw the temple for the first time)
49.) When we were dating we bought an 8 foot love sac for less than 100 bucks
50.) Ryan has been begging for a new TV since we first got married and his wish came true Christmas of 2008

51.) The first time we had a real conversation, we ended up talking for 6 hours-- (we pretty much asked each other whatever we wanted to know)
52.) We text or email each other about 20 times per day
53.) We are best friends-- we have an extremely open relationship and share everything with each other
54.) We are both addicted to saving (a goal we made when we were first married was to save 10 percent of anything we earned)
55.) We have gone through 3 years of college with each other (from dating until now)

56.) We are expecting our first child in July and couldn't be happier
57.) Ashlie calls Ryan "Pumpkin Butt" (no one knows why)and Ryan calls Ashlie "hun"
58.) Our sealers name was Earl Jackson (he was an amazing person)
59.) We will both be officially done with school in April and we will be able to walk the stage together
60.) We have 14 nieces and nephews (all on Ashlie's side) --- Our little one will be the first one on the Heiner side
These are just a few fun things that we have experienced together-- I hope you have come to know us a little better than before :)
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