] The past two months have been such an adventure for Ryan and I. It has been a roller coaster of emotion as we have taken on the new responsibility of becoming parents. Brynlee Nell Heiner was born July 26, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. She was 8 pounds and 4 ounces and a whopping 20 inches long. She was born with a head full of dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. She has already provided us with so many fun memories and laughs.
Here are a few of the things we have been up to lately...
When Brynlee was almost 2 weeks old, Angie (my sister) came to visit. We had a blast and Angie spoiled her rotten. Angie stayed for a week and we miss her terribly. We cannot wait to see her again.
Then when Brynlee was a mere 3 weeks old we loaded up our suitcases and headed to California. We had a blast. We literally fit in everything we possible could in 1 week. Disneyland, California Adventure, 2 MLB games, Sea World, and the Beach were all part of our adventure. By the end of the week Ryan and I were worn out completely because Brynlee decided to stop sleeping all together :)

On September 6th, Ryan had the opportunity to bless Brynlee. It was such an amazing day surrounded by family and friends. Maami Heiner made Brynlee's amazing blessing dress. It is something that I am sure Brynlee will cherish forever.
After the blessing we went over to the Heiner's house to spend time with family. Janet, Burgundy, Shea, and Lexi made an amazing breakfast for us all to enjoy. Overall, it was a perfect day for our little family.

When Brynlee was 7 weeks old we had the opportunity to get her pictures taken by Alicia Pitt Johnson. I packed up all of her cute outfits and haribows and had her perfectly asleep and ready to take pictures; however, I quickly learned that when you change her from a comfy sleeper to a tutu... Brynlee doesn't stay too happy ;). After about 3 hours of picture taking... and lots of crying... we were able to get some great pictures of our little sweetheart.

Brynlee has been such a blessing in our lives. We thank our Heavenly Father every night for placing her in our family. We know that she will be a very special young lady and she has already taught us so much. Ryan and I have grown a lot as well and we probably both agree that although this is the hardest thing we have ever done... it is DEFINITELY the most rewarding.
Here are just a few fun facts about Brynlee
1.) She has 3 amazing grandparents on earth and 1 looking over her from up above.

2.) She has been blessed with 5 great-grandparents (seriously... who has that)

3.) At her two month appt. she weighed 11 pounds and 3 ounces and was 22.5 inches long (which puts her in the 85% for height and 75% for weight)
4.) She is a morning person ... she always wakes up with a huge grin on her face
5.) She gets fussy at night time... I have to promise Ryan that she really has been a perfect baby all day. It usually starts about an hour after he gets home that she decides to start screaming her little head off! Ryan is the MOST patient person I have ever met... and for that I am extremely thankful.

6.) Brynlee loves when Ryan and I make a fool out of ourselves. It is sometimes hard to get her to laugh a ton.. but after awhile of very high pitched songs.... she cracks a smile for us.
7.) She LOVES being swaddled.

8.) She started sleeping 7 hours straight when she was about 5 weeks old :)-- that just may be my favorite thing about her ;)
9.) She has amazing eyes-- so captivating

10.) She loves getting massages from her Maami (or however you spell that)

That is just a little bit about our new bundle of joy! Thanks to everyone who has been such a support to Ryan and I as we try and figure out what we are doing :)