Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Baby Boutiques

As soon as Ryan and I found out we were having a little girl, my mind started racing with all of the cute things that I saw at the local baby boutiques. This week I decided to test my creativity and try and make some of the adorable things I have been coveting!

1.) These are little bows with flower clips attached-- the actual headband is made out of knee highs!

2.) Ribbon Binky holders: these should be very convenient

3.) This is a diaper wipe holder-- I saw these at the mall for $22... ( I made this for under $5)

4.) Pink/ white tutu--- I can't wait to get her picture taken in this cute pink tutu

5.) This was my second attempt at a rag quilt. My first one was made out of squares and then I saw a rag quilt made out of strips and so I decided to try and make one myself (hint: strip rag quilts are much easier!)

6.) These are Binky holders made out of beads-- the picture doesn't really do them justice because the pearls and crystals are SO sparkly! I also made tiny little bracelets from the same beads!